pH Adjustment Systems

pH Neutralization / pH Adjustment Systems for industrial wastewatertreatment 

Custom Valve Boxes from Wastech

In semiconductor, pharmaceutical, and chemical processing applications, custom valve boxes or cabinets are often needed. These can be required for safety, leak detection monitoring, or security reasons. The boxes come in all sizes and shapes. They can be made of simple PP or FM4910 and UL2360 rated materials, such as CPVC and PVDF, to eliminate or restrict fire and smoke damage.

Each box can have a variety of manifolds, different door designs and door hardware (clear plastic or solid), sensors mounted for leak detection, and integral electrical panel for alarms and controls. They can have manual, actuated or solenoid valves. Special stem configurations can allow emergency shutoff without opening the cabinet.

Wastech Controls will design and fabricate custom process valve boxes for your exact needs. Our welders can work with thermoplastics or stainless steel.

Arrange a telephone conference call, and our engineers will present the options to you while you listen with a Starbucks latte. Call Paul Nicolas at ext. 221. For a hardcopy document to get you started, click here and print out the web page.

Some examples of custom valve boxes with stainless steel and polypro piping.