Heavy Metal Treatment: Contamination Removal from Industrial Wastewater

Wastech Controls & Engineering has been a one-stop shop for industrial waste treatment since 1987. Discharge problems often require more than hardware. A solution demands the integration of piping, tanks, sensors control and an understanding of the chemistries. Wastech engineers can provide a complete package for pH neutralization, heavy metal removal, heavy metal treatment, water recycling, zero discharge or chemical processing applications.
If companies are exceeding discharge limits for lead, zinc, copper, chrome, or other heavy metals, Wastech has a solution regardless of the volume discharged. Using the latest chemical technologies such as MetFloc, our experienced engineers will design a total system including controls, chemical usage and sludge handling. As control system integrators, we will furnish redundant sensing, communications, monitoring and operator interfaces that are custom designed for a safe, reliable and low cost system.
Wastech offers packaged, skid mounted systems for smaller discharge volumes. These provide a safe, one-pass discharge for different types of wastewater, including recycled coolant water or recycled parts washing water. This design uses the MetFloc chemical and will encapsulate contaminants into a sturdy floc that in many cases is non-hazardous. The system can include ozone treatment and polishing. It can be a continuous or batch process, automated or manual, with either bag filters or an indexed filter bed.