Control Panels for ContractorsMechanical contractors are often required to include control panels in their bid. When they wait until the last minute, Wastech is there to help. Wastech engineers have the knowledge about control design, panel options and software issues to make the process simple. These projects always require immediate drawing submittals. Wastech can provide engineering drawings quickly, and we seldom need more than minor revisions since our package is always complete. The installed unit comes with CAD wiring diagrams included in the box, all wires labeled and color coded, and the drive programmed during startup by one of our engineers. Wastech is known for its high craftsmanship standards. You will never be embarrassed by a Wastech panel. In the above situation, the contractor had a large neutralization system using an existing 10,000 gallon tank. The tank was mixed using two large recirculation pumps. Two large motor-driven metering pumps with 1.5 HP motors were needed to inject caustic soda. The system required a three-phase panel, a VFD ("variable frequency drive" for those new players out there), a pH controller, a Wastech Series 800 Strip Chart Recorder, a disconnect (required for three-phase power), an E-Stop, and HOA switches. The panel was specified stainless steel and required a glass door (which we had in stock). The tricky part was a poorly defined "ventilation" requirement for the panel. Wastech designed louver vents placed high and low on the enclosure, and presented the concept to the consulting engineer. The project came in under the contractor's budget (much to his surprise). Wastech's quality made the process painless. |