pH Adjustment Systems

pH Neutralization / pH Adjustment Systems for industrial wastewatertreatment 

Vacuum Distillation Systems

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Wastech's Vacuum Distillation System (VDT) is the pinnacle of wastewater evaporator excellence within every industry using water in its process. Designed to notably reduce the volume of wastewater and its disposal costs, and to stringently comply with the discharge limits imposed by the numerous environmental regulations worldwide, Wastech VDT systems are the next level of excellence: and the answer to the future challenges facing mankind.

Evaporation is a natural phenomenon and a clean separation technology, recognized as BAT (Best Available Technique) in several waste water treatment processes. Wastech’s was units are compact industrial systems that accelerate the natural evaporation process.

Given a steady increase in environmental standards, most companies are experiencing rising operating costs due to the increasing cost of wastewater disposal, energy and water for the production process. In addition, regulations are becoming more stringent. Wastech VDTs provide options for: wastewater volume and disposal costs reduction, water recycling and reuse, ZLD Zero Liquid Discharge, and valuable matter recovery.

Wastech's new VDT System features a multitude of improvements and innovations:

  • Innovative demister offers excellent distillate quality levels
  • Compressor has been repositioned and offers an improved transmission
  • Stainless steel version available
  • Efficient thermal exchange recovers energy both from the concentrate and the distillate
  • Improved accessibility to all main components
  • User manual available in tablet format for a more intuitive and easier access to information
  • Heat exchanger automatic chemical cleaning kit allows this activity to be scheduled during the night, the weekend or any other moment, and with minimun manpower’s employment
  • Comprehensive unit monitoring and remote control
  • Minimal footprint and the ability to install the unit outdoors
  • Significant reductions in energy consumptions and CO~2~ emissions
  • Soundproof housing offers notable noise reduction
  • Completely drainable unit through specific discharge sleeves

Standard Features:

  • Vacuum conditions 7- 9 kPa
  • Low boiling temperature 30 – 40 °C
  • Ozone friendly refrigeration gas R 134
  • Electrical consumption 150 kWh/ton of distillate
  • Suitable for low capacity

Need a Custom System?

Wastech Controls and Engineering, Inc. offers custom design and engineering of state-of-the-art turnkey industrial process systems.

One of Wastech’s application engineers will discuss the nature of your process with you exclusively for your facility.
Call (818) 998-3500 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a quote or more information.